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[Horizon] Working principle and operation method o (12th Dec 22 at 12:29am UTC)
Original Title: [Horizon] Working Principle and Operation Method of Hydraulic Rock Drill Hydraulic rock drill is very convenient for our life, but when using hydraulic rock drill, we will inevitably encounter some problems. The following small series will take you to understand the working principle and operation rules of hydraulic rock drill in detail. I. Working principle Working principle: The machine is mainly composed of oil supply and distribution system, energy storage system, energy conversion system, vibration damping and supporting system,Tapered Rock Bit, and working tool system. The shock cycle can be divided into four stages. 1. Phase I The hydraulic oil from the high-pressure oil source enters the lower end of the plunger and pushes the plunger to move upwards; 2. Stage two During the rising process of the plunger, the valve sleeve is pushed upward to a fixed position, so that high-pressure oil is supplied to the cavity through a calibrated oil inlet between the valve sleeve and the plunger,dhd drill bit, and at the same time, the diaphragm of the nitrogen energy accumulator also compresses nitrogen upward to store energy; 3. Three stages When the liquid pressure on the upper end of the plunger exceeds the liquid pressure on the lower end, the force imbalance accelerates the plunger to move downward, while the energy reservoir provides the amount of oil required for rapid movement. During the downward movement, the plunger opens the orifice and allows the sleeve to descend. The plunger continues to move downward until it collides with the crushing tool to produce a blow; 4. Four stages : During the downward movement of the valve sleeve,down the hole bit, the oil supply to the chamber is cut off, and it is connected to the low-pressure return circuit, so that the whole process returns to the initial position. In this way, continuous strikes can be carried out automatically. II. Correct operation method of hydraulic rock drill 1. The use of hydraulic rock drills requires rock drilling into compressed air dryers. ? Air pressure shall be maintained at 500 kPa, not less than a minimum of 400 kPa; use of clean soft water is required. As a last resort, when the drilling rig is finished using acidic or alkaline water, some lubricating oil shall be injected to shut off the time when the water and air become very small; 2. Hydraulic rock drill ? To reload. After the load is opened, check that the operation is normal. But the empty time can not exceed 2 to 3 minutes, too long time, cylinder high air temperature, easy to suffer from tanks; 3. Pipe cleaning and routine maintenance tasks ? Detachment machines are always in good working condition and keep oil, no oil-free operation; 4. Hydraulic rock drill operation ? Note that the water shall be turned on first, and the air and water pressure shall be lower than the air pressure to prevent the cylinder from damaging the lubrication of the machine and affecting the normal operation. The water shall be turned off after the drilling water in the machine flows back; 5. When rock drilling tools are slow ? If it is ineffective to reduce the axial thrust of the air leg, the drilling shall be stopped immediately, and the fiber failure shall be eliminated after drilling. Through the above article, we know that we should operate the hydraulic rock drill correctly, and we must understand its related operation when using it. At the same time,mining dth bit, we should pay attention to the correct method and regular maintenance in the use process, so that the life of the hydraulic rock drill will be long. More content please pay attention to [Vision Network] back to Sohu, see more Responsible Editor:.
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